Friday, August 13, 2010

Brussel Sprouts. Yep I pickled them.

So I found another interesting recipe and decided to try it.  You can find the conversation here post number 3703, follow it a few posts and you get this recipe:

Hot spiced Brussels Sprouts

2lbs Brussels Sprouts
21/2 cups water
4 heads dill
21/2 cups vinegar
1t cayenne pepper
4 garlic cloves (opt)
3T pickling salt
4 heads dill (opt)
2 jalapeno peppers or 1 habanero pepper

Cook whole Brussels sprouts until just tender. Pack in hot sterilized pint jars. Combine water, vinegar, salt, dill, cayenne pepper, hot peppers (left whole but cut top off and take out seeds). Wear gloves when working with hot peppers. Cook vinegar solution for 10 minutes. Remove hot peppers and pour over Brussels sprouts, leaving a 1/4-inch headspace. Add a clove of garlic, 1 extra dill head, a slice of hot pepper in jar (optional). Adjust sterilized lids and process pints 15 minutes in boiling–water bath canner. Makes about 4 pints

I doubled it.  Not having any fresh dill heads I used dill weed, 1 tsp per pint and 1 tbsp per quart.  I also used chilies de arbol in the jars as well.  Gave me 2 quarts and 4 pints.  I used apple cider vinegar since white vinegar was not specifically called for in the recipe.


  1. These should be banned as a WMD under the Geneva convention!

  2. Thanks Tank, guess you won't be visiting this side of the pond until they are gone right? Oh well, more for hubby ;)

  3. I wish I liked Brussel sprouts, but I don't. I do like hot things! I just can't give space in my garden to something I won't eat. :( But all those jars look great!!! :D

  4. Unfortunately our brussel sprouts didn't work out as well as we would have liked this year..('s my favorite veggie)
    But I am definitely saving this recipe to next season! Thx!
