Saturday, August 7, 2010

White apples

While at the farmer's market in town today there was a lady selling white apples.  I decided I'd get them, almost an entire plastic shopping bag.  I had no idea what I was going to do with them honestly.  Jelly?  Apple Pie Filling?  Apple butter? 
Once home I decided I'd just can them in extra light syrup from the Ball Complete Preserving Book (seriously, go buy a copy, lots of good stuff in there). 
Yeah.  My hand still hurts from peeling, cutting, coring (don't have a fancy coring/slicing gadget that works!).  But it's done and I have 12 pints cooling off as I type this.

 Not that I've ever heard of white apples but I can tell you this, they are a bit on the tart side, very dense flesh similar to kieffer pears and you really should peel them before you slice them up, that light color skin blends in really well and makes it difficult to see what you have and haven't peeled in a bucket of slices.

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